Editorial: To Tweet or not to Tweet? That is the Question
Can e-branding & social media help your firm stand out in the digital age?
Why should law firms devote precious time and resources to the development of their e-brand?
For many smaller firms, there will always be excuses not to develop their e-brand: “We cannot spare the time/resources”; “New websites are expensive – we can make do”; “Social media isn’t relevant to us.”
These can seem persuasive when business is good, or cash-flow & resources stretched. However, neglecting your firm’s e-brand could leave you trailing in the race for future business.
Global WebIndex’s Media Report 2017 shows 16-24 year-olds spend 7 hours each day viewing on-line media, and just 3 hours with broadcast & print media. Add the fact that Social Media accounts for one in three minutes Millennials spend online, and it becomes clear the future of successful branding lies with an effective on-line presence.
A great website can be your firm’s best advertising – portraying brand, promoting communication & putting information at the fingertips of potential clients. Equipping it with applications such as Google Analytics also provides insight into the demographics of users, and gives feedback on how your content is performing.
Developing an effective website does require financial investment, and taking the cheapest option can result in a site which is out-dated within a couple of years. Invest properly now and a website can remain integrated, scalable and adaptable to your firm’s e-branding needs for years to come.
That sounds great, but without means of driving traffic to the site, you will not reap the benefits. This is where social media is key going forwards. Being active on Twit-Link-Book will not directly bring in new business, but as an integrated part of your e-brand, it has the ability to drive significant traffic to your website, where you can sell the firm to best effect.
All the main social media channels will display a holding page for your company anyway, so why not take control of the way people view your firm on-line? You do not need to divert vast resources from elsewhere. Simply by linking social media feeds to your website, and posting articles from your website on social outlets, a small-scale but regular posting schedule will keep your firm upper-most in the minds of potential clients, and expand your on-line reach massively.
The up-front investment in on-line e-branding may seem onerous, but it generates real savings in print marketing costs and ensures the firm is ready to stand out in an ever-expanding digital marketplace. Firms are increasingly finding this investment worthwhile, and with bank lending remaining cautious, many firms turn to alternative funders such as VFS Legal to provide the cash flow required to invest in their digital future.
Mark Richardson, VFS Legal Funding, Modern Law Magazine – Issue 32, November 2017